Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hank doing well, so decided to take him for an easy ride today. Met up with Dolly, and hubby came along and rode Gambler. Upon arrival at the trail head, we heard a meow coming from a cedar tree. We looked around, and found a kitten up on a branch above our heads. Hubby climbed tree to retrieve, and the cat jumped out, and ran under another tree. Dolly coaxed it out, and it came to her, and started purring. Neither of us needs another cat, but I had the tackroom that it could be locked in while we rode, and kept safe. Had a nice easy ride for a couple hours. Mostly walking. Hank seemed normal enough. Returned from ride, checked cat, and it was fine. Very friendly. So, we ended up taking her home. I can look for a home for her. She looks easy to place. Super friendly, and kind of pretty.

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