Friday, September 12, 2008

Turned out and enclosed

Today was sunny and nice, so we turned Hank out in his 50x50 grass paddock for the day. He had a good roll in the grass, and now has pretty dirt stains on his bandage. It must be itchy with the new hair growth, and the fact it sticks and pulls the skin a bit. Every so often I'd toss him a bit of hay, which he seemed to prefer today over grazing. But he sure enjoyed being out in the sunshine.

While Hurricane Ike is not to give us very much in the way of nasty weather, we decided the stall Hank stays in could use a bit more weather protection. It is fairly open along one side, with just some 4x8 sheets of plywood along the fence rail to block wind, but rain could blow in from above. So, we added some plywood above that, to make a more solid enclosed wall. It is sure not the Ritz, but it does give us a place to put a horse that may be on stall rest, and keep them out of the weather for the most part.

Then tonight when I went out to check on Hank one more time before bed, he seemed to want to go back to the stall, and out of his turn out. Maybe he was not seeing the other horses in the pasture, or knew he would get more food in the tall. Either way, I held open his halter, he dropped his head in, and then he marched me to his stall. He did a tiny snort at the new enclosure addition, then started looking around for hay, and gave me that look of "Well??? Where is it??

This horse is getting really spoiled.....

Saturday, we will see what hurricane Ike brings to our area in the way of wind and rain.

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