Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Trailers and travels

I've been busy the past couple weeks getting ready for our next NATRC ride. I decided that it was time to have a few things worked on with the horse trailer. Besides having the bearings done, we decided to replace the brake units. Took it to a small independent mechanic, but he had some troubles getting the job done, so my hubby took on part of the task. Did you know you can find information on doing about any repairs on your horse trailer on Youtube? Hubby is handy, and had the basic idea on what needed done, and how to do it. We just looked up a few details, and then went to work. Jacked up the trailer, tires removed, bearings removed, and the brake unit removed, and new one installed. Could have been a simple task until we saw the store sold us the wrong size brake units, and this was Sunday, and hubby was leaving Monday AM before dawn. So, saving some money ended up with the trailer over to the trailer repair shop to finish the job. *sigh* But, it has four new brakes. The trailer is a 1994, and it was time to change the units.

I have everything packed, and ready to go. Some extra hay on my roof rack, water tanks full. The back seat is made up for the dog. She is on some medication for a couple weeks, so she scored getting to go to another ride. I really prefer to leave her at home, as it is one less thing to take care of, and worry about. If I knew every other person had their dogs contained, on leashes, tied up like I do, it would be something I did not mind as much, but loose dogs, coming to "visit" Thelma is not a good thing.

I'm taking Flag along too. He travels well, and hauling a long distance, anything can happen. Hate to show up at a ride and have a lame horse, and then nothing to ride. So Flag is my back up horse.

Hank is looking really good. His weight is great, his coat shines, and his attitude seems good. About 8 months since the surgery.

I forgot to mention the ride we are heading to. It is the Air Force Academy ride in Region 3, in Colorado Springs. I have been told it is beautiful. I have wanted to ride in region 3 for awhile. This will be an excellent test on Hanks condition to see how fit and healthy he really is. Camp elevation is 7000 feet. The vet for the ride has vetted Hank before, but not at a NATRC ride. Dr. Greg Fellers is the head vet at Tevis. I'm excited about getting to ride a NATRC ride with a vet who is so condition and metabolic / soundness minded.

Now, off to bed. Horse shoes first thing in the AM, then we start our 700 mile drive to the ride. I should have Internet, but we will see if I get time to blog


  1. How exciting...sounds like a fun ride and I trust you'll take pics and tell us all about it right?

  2. Hank looks great! Love those bays! Colorado Springs ride would be beautiful. We did Harney Peak in SD last year (pleasure ride). Left Nebraska at 1,000 ft. At Harney, we rode from 5,000 to 7,200, I think. Our flatlanders did awesome and the ride was well worth it.

    I wanted to bad to take one of my dogs with me this past weekend. My pup, a St. Bernard, has been tied & does well, but didn't want the stress of a 1st CTR & the dog. I really would like my german shepherd to travel with, but I don't think he is a good dog to have in public. He's quite protective. My springer is 11 this year. She has camped with us for years. As she has gotten older, she gets nervous when we leave. Last time we camped, our neighbors said she cried quite a bit while we were riding so her camping days are probably over, too.

    I did it! We finished the CTR at Smithville Lake! Totally AWESOME time! Finished up the last chapter of my blog tonight. Stop by when you have time!

    Have a great trip & good luck to you & Hank!

