Friday, July 31, 2009

Ready to Ride!

Woke to fog siting in our valley, and watched as it slowly moved out,
giving way for some interesting sunrise moments, and then views out
across the mountains to the next mountain rang. After it warmed up
some, I took Hank for a short ride. The area is really lovely. I have
been taking pictures, which will have to wait until I get home, and have
a better internet connection to download them. I fussed with my saddle,
checked my saddle packs, got my water bottles etc. all situated, and
then had a few hours where I was actually bored! I cleaned the camper,
and worked on the furnace. It would not light this AM, so I looked in to
it, and found a mudabber next. Got that taken care of, and now it will
light. Might need it again in the AM to take the chill off the camper.

Today was bright blue sky one min. and then a storm headed our way, only
to go some place else. Then right as briefing was starting, we see
another storm headed our way, with bright bright lightning, only to
skirt to the south of us. We have some wind tonight. Hank has his
awesome blanket on that he won at The Air Force Academy ride. It is warm
and waterproof. Thelma is in the horse trailer, curled up in hay and
shavings, just as happy as can be.

Tomorrow Open will ride around 27 miles. We will have 3 P&R stops, and
lunch in camp, that management cooks for us! Burgers with all the
fixins. Tonight we had a potluck, and a bring your own meat to grill,
and they had cooks there doing the grilling for us. My steak was
perfect! Tomorrow night they feed us dinner, and lunch again Sunday, and
salad bar Sunday afternoon. They do take care of us, that is for sure.
All part of the entry fee.

When I went to check in Hank with the judges, we were first to go. I
trotted out to the grassy area, sent him off to do his first lunging
circle, and half way around he slams on the brakes, and stops, shoving
his head down. There was a huge Prairie Dog hole. I calmly gathered him
up, moved him, and redid that circle, then reversed, and finished up. At
least we knew he was paying attention to things!

Now, it is time for bed. We ride out at 7AM. Hoping we won't have fog
again, as we would never see the ribbons on the trail to guide our way.
I'm ready to go share some trail with my favorite Arab. Even if he was
naughty tonight and reached in to the tackroom while I cleaned poop,
grabbed his breakfast bucket, and spilled it all over the place. Bad
Hank. Bad

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