Sure could not hang it outside with the weather. Around midnight, it started to rain. Not hard, just a steady rain. It was not cold, so I did not bother to go put on their rain sheets. By morning, it had not stopped, and the horses were now in mud. And then it rained more. All day Wednesday it rained. I moved mud, raked, scraped, and dug. Tried to keep the water flowing away from the horses, and not puddling. Before sun up on Thursday, it stopped raining. I moved the trailer, changed where the boys were tied, and got them out of the mud, and on to drier ground. You can see where they had been tied, and how muddy it was in the foreground.
About 15 or so others showed up Thursday for the ride, so it was nice to have company after being all alone in camp for a couple days. Hank was convinced this was not a ride, and was shoving me with his nose on Wednesday, which is his saying he wants something. I really think he was ready to load up, and head down the road. After other horses arrived, he seemed to change, and was not being pushy. Maybe he does know that this IS indeed a ride!
I got up on the roof of the trailer to drop down Hanks other bale of Timothy hay. I had bought some nice water proof bale bags, bade out of heavy duty waterproof fabric. Well, they still managed to leak, and his hay is wet on one side. Of course it would be the Timothy, which is so expensive. I still have Timothy pellets, and some nice Bermuda hay, along with the Prairie grass hay I got in town, so they sure won’t go hungry.
By Friday afternoon, the camp was alive with riders for the NATRC ride, and some folks who came up to camp and pleasure ride for the weekend. Got Hank checked in, and my saddle bags checked for all the needed items, tack ready to go, and his breakfast for Saturday pre-made, so I could stumble out of the trailer before sun up, and hang up his bucket of mash, and go back in the camper to finish waking up. When he hears me move in the morning of a ride, he will usually whinny to tell me I better be getting him is breakfast soon! The weather was still unsure, but the chance of rain for the weekend had gone down.
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