Sunday, November 1, 2009

Hanks trailer miles

I had some folks ask me how many miles we DROVE this year:

Christmas at The Six O Cleburne TX 100 miles one way

Girl Scout Scamper Cat spring TX 300 miles one way
March 7-8, 2009

Oklahoma Land Run - LCB Stillwater, OK 250 miles one way
March 21-22,2009

Deep in the heart of TX Killeen TX 210 miles one way
April 4-5,2009

Arkansas Traveler Dover Ark 450 miles one way
April 18-19,2009

AFA-Colorado Springs CO 830 miles one way
May 23-24,2009

Ride to the Rescue Perry Lake, KS 500 miles one way
June 6-7,2009

Purgatory – Durango CO 850 miles one way
July 10-11,2009

Cedar Creek New Bloomfield, MO 620 miles one way
July 18,19,2009

Bear Basin Westcliffe CO 650 miles one way

Ride The Edge Allardt,TN 850 there,then 700 to Robber Route
Sept 9-10,2009

Robbers Route,Willburton, OK 220 home
Sept 19-20,2009

Chokecherry Farmington NM 800 miles one way
Sept 26-27,2009

Region 4 Benefit – Decatur 12.5 miles one way

Indian Cave Shubert NE 600 miles one way

Horsemasters Big Sandy TX 185 miles one way
Oct.24-25 2009

14485 miles (round trip) mapped. I am not sure how to add up the miles back and forth to ride the trails to condition, trips to the vet, and then those extra miles on the road stopping for food, fuel, truck repairs. ;-) The truck has 25,000 miles put on it since December 2008, right before the first ride of the season. So I would guess Hank has put in between 15,000 and 20,000 miles in the horse trailer this year. You can see from the ride dates how close some were to each other. I am still amazed how I was able to keep his weight up pretty good through the year, as I feel the trailering is harder on them that the actual events. And I did a quick add up of Flags miles, just to keep Hank company, and hang out at the rides, and he put in about 10,000 miles this year.

This has given me a whole new prespective to what is a "close" ride. And the only ride that I had someone else along, was when hubby went to the Arkansas ride with me, and helped drive home. He joked, and told me to add up the miles the dog went in the truck, but that does not count. She just sleeps 99% of the time anyway.


Tammy Vasa said...

Wow! I'm impressed! My husband needs to stop complaining about how much I drive to ride! I keep track of how far I ride, how far I drive to a ride & hours on the trail. I'm at about 6,000 driving miles for 2009. Considering I stay relatively local compared to you, I was surprised it was that high.

Akasha said...

That's more miles than I drove on my commute to work this year.. haha! :)
