We walked to the mailbox again today, more brisk, to help him get the digestion going. I looked behind us, and the other horses were tagging along down the driveway, wondering where Hank was going.
Toby is always super itching, rubbing on anything that does not move, and a few things that do. Down near our pond, we have a Cottonwood tree that has died, and he thinks it makes an excellent scratching post.
This afternoon, I put up a quick "corral" in the yard out of electric fence tape. No need to charge it, Hank is scared of any kind of rope or fence tape. I wanted to graze him a little longer, but where I could constantly watch him out the window. I am trying to save the grass in the corral we built for grazing for him when he is allowed full turn out in it, in another week. Our lawn needed mowed anyway, so might as well let Hank eat some of it. Woody decided to sit and watch him from his window viewpoint. I'm sure Hank enjoyed the extra time grazing, without me dragging him around on the end of the lead rope. Just don't want him out in an area he could get to moving around too quick.
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